Minifair 2025
Minifair 2025 avatar

Today the two boys visited the Minifair at Bingley Hall sponsored by Mini Sport and really enjoyed themselves despite there being far too many BINI’s there.   There should be a limit..!

Robert needed to raid the auto jumble to obtain parts for Felicity our Mk1 rally Mini.  We managed to get…

  • 1x LSD with pot joint output shafts.
  • 1x mk1 dove grey complete interior.
  • 3 sets unipart hoses mk1 850.
  • 1x set 2up 2down lamp brackets.
  • 1x EJB33 #37 Corgi.
  • 1x BMC oil cooler.
  • 1x set braided hoses for oil cooler.
  • 2x Rallye Hella 1000s spot lamps.

Mark managed to find some period correct mud flaps for Lippy, his Auto Design Mini Cabriolet, nowhere near the shopping list of Robert’s.

Mark had a very full Octavia Scout estate car coming away in the heavy rain.  Why does it always rain when you need to load up.

Anyway, no photos were taken to protect those who told their wives they were somewhere else today.  😉